Friday, December 9, 2011

AWESOME ! Exquisite for Aluminum and Metal

Birch released series of 10.4” and 12.1” aluminum-metal systems and LCD panels for your rigid and professional applications. You can have either Silent-Fan models or Fanless models.
You are well advised to keep your eyes to the Industrial and Information Kiosk market besides the hospitality markets (retails and F&B).
Birch Aluminum/Metal systems and LCD panels could be your best choices:

--10.4” and 12.1”PP (Panel PC system)
  1. PP7000D-15: 15”  PP panel PC touch system, ATOM D525(1.8G)
  2. PP7000N-15: 15” PP Panel PC touch system,  ATOM N455( 1.66Ghz), Fan-Less,
  3. PP6000D-12: 12” (1024 x 768) PP Panel PC touch system,ATOM D525( 1.8G)
  4. PP6000N-12: 12”(1024 x 768) PP Panel PC touch system, ATOM N455( 1.66Ghz)  Fan-Less    
--10.4” and 12.1”PT (Desktop system)

  1. PP6000D-T12: 12” (1024 x 768) PT All-in-one touch system, ATOM D525( 1.8G)
  2. PP6000N-T12:12”(1024 x 768)PT all-in-one touch system,ATOM N455( 1.66Ghz)Fan-Less

--10.4” and 12.1” PZ (Desk-top system)

  1. PP6000D-Z12V: 12”( 1024 x 768) PZ all-in-one touch system,ATOM D525( 1.8G), 6 x USB, 4 x COM, Aluminum chassis, Aluminum/ black.With VFD display( 2 x 20 characters
  2. )PP6000N-Z12V: 12” ( 1024 x 768) PZ all-in-one touch system, ATOM 55(1.66Gz), 6 x USB, 4 x COM, aluminum chassis, Fan-less, Aluminum /Black., with VFD display( 2 x 20 characters)
--10.4” and 12.1” LCD Monitor (with or without touch)

  1. TM-1600-12: 12” ( 1024 x 768) touch LCD panel, w/USB Hub, aluminum-made, High stand. Supports fully OSD settings
  2. TM-1600-10: 10.4( 800 x 600) touch LCD panel,w/USB hub, aluminum-made, High stand, Spports fully OSD settings