Monday, January 25, 2021

Is Google play essential in Android payment hardware?


Is Google play essential in Android payment hardware?
Answer first, our models don't support it finally.


* We don't expect to set too many limitation while we get the material, especially it might become one target during the competition between the countries.


* After our estimation, google is not the essential for the payment and POS application . Just the opposite, google might be negative point.


If it is possible, we also suggest the solution suppliers and the software house can have clear, simple icons. Don't put any unnecessary on app image.

While the operators use it, the users can  concentrate their attention in jobs.


Being the shop owners, you don't not want the business devices run

TikTok, facebook, twitter or browse website , and do any actions no related with to deal with the orders


Being the customers, i also don't like to see the cashier taking selfies.

If the cashiers ask me to enter the PIN or offer any personal info, i would much prefer to pay it by cash,  It is not the good experience.

 I would not feel safe about providing my credit card information over such a device.


The payment or POS hardware are for the professional applications, not for the personal and commercial applications,


Most people expect to have google , due to they need to upload or download the app from the shops.


For above concern , Birch offer the related shop links to deployment the demand of deployment.

Furthermore, we offer the hardware management platform to do the hardware monitoring, the trouble Diagnostics and shop management


Check more info about Birch Androidsolution


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